High Load and Big Data solutions
built by a world-level team
We have built apps for clients all around the globe
Our Services

We offer expertise in developing following solutions:

Supply-side platforms (SSPs) connect publishers with advertisers in digital advertising. They optimize inventory, enable real-time bidding, and maximize revenue through tools like ad serving, targeting, and analytics. We at Asterisoft have developed several types of SSP, for all types of traffic, including mobile. We experienced in real-time statistics, detection of fraud traffic and robots, support of GDPR and COPPA.

Demand-side platforms (DSPs) streamline digital advertising for advertisers. Our company has the expertise in building DSPs which offer all necessary tools for custom targeting, bidding, and campaign management. It optimizes ad buying, improves ROI, and provides analytics for performance tracking and insights. The largest one we built handled 1.5M QPS. We also can help you integrate DSP with other platforms.

Ad exchanges are platforms that facilitate the buying and selling of online advertising space. We have built quite a few custom AdServers and AdExchanges for our clients and thought it would be a good idea to develop our own white label solution to build upon. We can reshape this app at the customer’s request, add necessary features and fine tune it to your needs. A demo is available on request.
Programmatic technology in AdTech is the new cornerstone of the industry. They automate ad buying and selling, using AI and data-driven technologies to optimize targeting, bidding, and ad delivery. This streamlined approach improves efficiency, effectiveness, and ROI for advertisers and publishers. At Asteriosoft, we have developed a wide range of programmatic solutions which use data science models to predict user behavior and preferences.

Using real-time bidding (RTB) technology, Prebid boosts revenue, transparency, and trust. It allows multiple buyers to simultaneously bid on the same inventory and helps publishers maximize revenue. Asteriosoft excels in utilizing Prebid technology to help businesses succeed in the AdTech landscape. Asteriosoft has built an analytical tool which helps publishers to track prebid.js performance in real time and optimize its settings.

Businesses can optimize cloud server costs with strategic measures like rightsizing instances, spot instance utilization, and auto-scaling. Reviewing your app architecture optimization could be another way to go. Picking the right provider could also be a challenge. To ensure proper implementation and maximize savings, seeking expert advice on cost optimization is crucial. Regular monitoring and storage optimization remain essential components of a successful cost-saving strategy. We helped several clients make the right steps in this direction.
SSP to US TOP-3 AdTech company
A major US based SSP (supply side platform) with complex custom core functionality, lightning fast performance and unique auction PMP algorithms with features enabling a possibility for a publisher to make direct deals with advertisers. The platform featured an advanced real time statistics.
DSP for Mobile Apps with AI algorithms
A platform for mobile user acquisition & re-targeting. It connects to dozens of different Supply Side Platforms, processes 1.5M requests per second, manages data of billions of users in real time, uses machine learning models to predict user behavior, and provides customized reports.
Cookieless solution for DSP
An cookieless advertising solution based on page contents, which employs web crawling, dynamic databases, machine learning and framework semantic scoring. It categorized over 1M web sites and placed them under specific categories for accurate targeting. We integrated several 3d party DMPs for additional info on specific web pages.
Advanced Prebid Analytics
The tool for real-time analytics which allows publishers and AdOps companies control and visualize bidding statistics. The real-time data is aggregated on the dashboard and in reports without day-long delays. It includes trends, bidders and inventory. The tool can be integrated by API.
Our Stack

Usually we use this technical stack for our solutions, but we are ready to consider you demands.

  • Big Data & Hight Load
    Depending on your project we will pick from a variety of modern databases: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, MariaDB, ClickHouse. And we are an official Integration Partner of Aerospike we have successfully used in multiple projects.
  • Cloud solutions
    We have mastered the use of many cloud tools and solutions, including Amazon, Digital Ocean, Hetzner and more.
  • Back end
    Java, Kotlin, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Aerospike, Mongo DB, Redis, Rabbit MQ, HAProxy, Nginx
  • Front end
    Javascript, Typescript, JQuery, React JS, React Native

Feel free to write or call us. We really love to communicate with our clients.

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